Posted by: Caster Eye Center in Uncategorized

Do you really want to hear it? You may be thoroughly flabbergasted by it. Are you sure? All right, then. The answer is this:
No. Your eyes will not change color as a result of LASIK.
Excluding exceptional circumstances, you’re stuck with the color you had since birth. If you had hazel eyes, they’ll stay hazel. If you had blue, they’ll stay blue. If you had green, they’ll stay green. The same goes for the rest of the spectrum.
Now, what will change?
Your need for cumbersome glasses and contact lenses. From now on, you won’t have to deal with the hassle of buying new ones, and no one can ever label you as a four-eyes or a bespectacled nerd. You can, however, wear colored contacts to your heart’s desire after six months of having LASIK surgery. Please be sure to consult your optometrist first.
What Causes Eye Color?
Let’s break down what exactly is the source of your eye color: the iris.
Pigments and genetics play a part in deciding the exact color. It’s even possible to have two different eye colors, which is a condition known as heterochromia. Similarly, an albino can develop red eyes.
Rest assured. The laser computer used in LASIK surgery does not affect the color of the iris; it only repairs your vision and alleviates your need for glasses.
When It Happens…
If you have experienced a change in eye color, it may be due to ocular health issues iris hyperpigmentation, which is a consequence of some medications. When in doubt, your eye doctor should have the answer.
Reach Out to Dr. Caster
You can also receive a free consultation at Caster Eye Center. Please don’t hesitate to see us. Dr. Caster and his staff will gladly answer all of your questions and address any concerns you may have. After all, your eyes come first for us.