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Tiger Woods How LASIK Can Up Your Golf Game

If you’re an avid golfer, or even a fan, you understand how much of a visual game golf is. If your vision is growing poor, or if you have always struggled with having vision that needs correction, you might benefit greatly from LASIK.

LASIK has been proven to increase athletes’ abilities to play golf. As many golfers know, it can be hard to get by wearing glasses on the course. And contact lenses can get dirt under the lens and can get very irritated if allergies are acting up. The Caster Eye Center is proud to offer LASIK in Los Angeles as one of the most viable options to see better and up your golf game.

It’s an inconvenience to have to deal with the visual crutches of glasses or contact lens that can take your attention away from the green.

Professional Golfers Seek LASIK

Eye doctors have used LASIK to treat hundreds and hundreds of professional athletes, many of whom are professional golfers. These pro players who have had LASIK to greatly improve their vision, their games, and their overall quality of life.

Below is a list of pro golfers who have decided to invest in this painless, quick, and ultra-successful procedure:


• Michael Austin
• Woody Baddely
• Aaron Beem
• Rich Begay
• Notah Browne
• Olin Byrd
• Jonathon Cheesman
• Barry Clampett
• Bobby Clark
• Michael Cochran
• Bobby Cook
• John Funk
• Fred Gay
• Brian Henry
• J.J. Hoch
• Scott Johnson
• Zach Kelly
• Jerry Kribel
• Joel Langer
• Bernhard Marino
• Steve McCumber
• Mark Nobilo
• Frank Nolan
• Keith O’Hair
• Sean Parnevik
• Jesper Pernice
• Tom Pride
• Dicky Singh
• Vijay Urlich Johannson
• Per Wadkins
• Bobby Weir
• Mike Wood
• Tiger Woods
• Willie Woods


• Nadine Atsedes
• Lori Bell
• Michelle Bouse
• Tami Bowie
• Heather Bunch
• Ashley Caponi
• Donna Chuasiriporn
• Jenny D’Allessio
• Diana Dee
• Sally Early
• Liz Feldott
• Jennifer Fukoshima
• Akiko Gibson
• Ellie Goetze-Ackerman
• Vickie Golden
• Kate Gowan
• Carolyn Hurst
• Pat Iverson
• Becky Jeray
• Nicole Johnston-Forbes
• Cathy Jordan
• Patty Lim
• Siew-Ai Macosko
• Anna Noble
• Karen Peterson
• Katie Philo
• Laura Read
• Amy Riley
• Rhonda Rittenhouse
• Lenore Sinn
• Pearl Stupples
• Karen Sugg
• LaRee Walton
• Robin Wendels
• Michelle Whitehead
• Barb Wicoff
• Erica Wilkins
• Donna Will

These professional golfers have acknowledged publically about how great the procedure has been for their golfing skills. (Of course, many other professional golfers have had LASIK treatment but do not speak publically about it.) They can much more easily read a green; many golfers say that more detailed reading of the greens is the biggest benefit of undergoing LASIK. Plus, when the golf course is foggy and misty in the mornings, they don’t have to worry about their vision becoming cloudy because of the glasses they’re wearing. When the wind is blowing, they don’t have to worry about contacts drying out or dirt getting under the lens.

How LASIK Works for Golfers

The LASIK procedure is one of the simplest and most successful procedures available. It is non-invasive and uses hands-free laser technology to correct your vision in just minutes.

You will be sedated but kept awake during the procedure, with your comfort a priority. You will be able to converse with Dr. Caster while the procedure is in progress, should you have any concerns.

The results of LASIK are almost immediate. By the next morning, you will experience a dramatic improvement in your vision and you will be able to see much more clearly.

LASIK in Los Angeles

If you’re a golfer or any type of athlete, or you would simply like to improve your life by seeing better, please come and visit us for a consultation regarding LASIK in Los Angeles. You can contact us online at any time or give us a call at (310) 274-1221.