Posted by: Caster Eye Center in lasik eye surgery

In this day and age, LASIK surgery is the best way to correct your vision. This procedure is clinically safe and yields long-lasting results. However, like all surgery, you should take note of a few important details. Take out a notepad or open up the corresponding app in your phone and jot these down:
This might sound a bit like a no-brainer, but to ensure that you qualify for eye surgery, have your optometrist perform a thorough examination. Your eyes and your overall health must be in tip-top shape for the operation to take place. If there are any signs of diseases or cataracts, a different procedure may be in order.
Immediately after surgery, do not make any movements to abrase your eyes. LASIK reshapes your cornea through a computer-controlled laser, and by rubbing your eyes, you run the risk of constricting the healing of your corneal flap. You should wait at least seven days before doing so.
After the procedure, your surgeon should have prescribed a series of eye drops. Use them for as long as you’re directed. Otherwise, you could develop an infection. Take care to wash your hands before each use.
If you’re seeing halos around images and suffering from dry eyes, please do not be alarmed. This is perfectly normal. After surgery, it’s typical to have these side effects, along with glare, difficulty driving at night and fluctuating vision. However, these are only temporary. If they persist after a long period of time, please consult your doctor.
After surgery, your eyes are sensitive. Give your body time to recuperate and avoid straining your vision.
This includes but isn’t limited to dust, smoke, chemical vapors, eye make-up, and even sunlight. Be sure to wear your goggles or eye shields when you sleep and sunglasses during the day.
With these six tips, you should be well-equipped to undertake LASIK surgery. Call us at (310) 846-8486 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Caster and see if you qualify.